2013년 11월 24일 일요일

About 'florida state university radio'|...weapon in 2002, his senior year at the University of Central Florida. He said growing...for whatever reason." Florida, like most states, requires individuals...

About 'florida state university radio'|...weapon in 2002, his senior year at the University of Central Florida. He said growing...for whatever reason." Florida, like most states, requires individuals...

Charlie               Crist,               current               Governor               of               Florida,               is               mentioned               as               a               possible               Vice               Presidential               contender               on               a               ticket               with               Arizona               Senator               John               McCain.

The               52-year-old               white-haired               Governor               has               the               classic               good               looks               of               a               political               candidate.

Crist               came               out               for               McCain               in               Florida               at               a               crucial               time,               and               Crist's               support               played               a               key               role               in               McCain's               win               in               Florida               and               could               well               prove               instrumental               helping               McCain               secure               Florida's               27               electoral               votes               at               the               St.

Paul,               Minnesota               convention               in               September.

Crist               has               the               resume               of               a               potential               VP,               also,               having               served               as               Attorney               General               of               Florida               from               2003               to               2007,               where               he               earned               the               nickname               "Chain               Gang               Charlie"               because               of               his               hard               stance               on               crime               and               his               belief               that               prisoners               should               work               on               chain               gangs.

He               also               proposed               a               program               known               as               STOP               (Stop               Turning               Out               Prisoners),               a               bill               to               make               sure               that               prisoners               in               Florida               serve               at               least               85%               of               their               sentences               (Phil               Lapadula's               blog,               Friday,               October               27,               2006).
               Crist's               positions,               according               to               Wikipedia               online               are               as               follows:
               Abortion:               pro-life               and               pro-family
               Adoptive               parents               -               $3,000               subsidy               to               heterosexual               adoptive               parents               and               $5,000               to               foster               parents..
               Education               -               advocate               of               parental               choice               of               schools               and               strict,               standardized               testing               (Crist               served               as               the               last               State               Education               Commissioner.

He               supported               $3.8               billion               dollar               bill               to               reduce               class               size               in               Florida               schools.
               Health               care               -               prescription               drug               tracking               for               assurance               of               safety
               Homeowners'               insurance               -               advocate               of               lower               rates               (*a               hot               issue               in               Florida.

See               more               below.)
               Citizens'               insurance               -               wants               to               abolish               it               and               have               report               cards               for               insurance               companies,               which               have               been               fleeing               many               coastal               states               after               Hurricane               Katrina               or               charging               outrageous               fees               for               homeowners'               insurance.
               Right               to               die               -               supports               this,               including               respect               for               living               wills.

(*Received               criticism               for               failure               to               more               strongly               support               her               family               in               Terry               Schiavo               case,               when               Governor               Bush               was               on               the               opposite               side.)
               Eminent               domain               -               legal               protection               in               such               cases
               Lawsuit               reform               -               eliminate               joint               and               several               liability
               Property               tax               flexibility               -               just               campaigned               all               over               Florida               in               television               ads               to               reduce               taxes               by               1%,               a               bill               that               passed.
               Defense               of               Marriage               Act               -               supported               it               (Nov,               2006).

(See               further               discussion               of               positions               further               in               this               article,               discussing               the               Broward               Palm               Beach               News               article               (Oct.

19,               2006)               by               Julia               Reischel               entitled               "Charlie               Crist               is               NOT               gay.")
               Death               penalty               -               cautious               support               for               death               penalty.

Known               for               STOP,               "Stop               Turning               Out               Prisoners,"               which               requires               prisoners               to               serve               at               least               85%               of               their               prison               sentences.

Crist's               website               tells               us               that               this               earned               him               appointment               as               an               Honorary               Sheriff               by               the               Florida               Sheriffs'               Association,               the               3rd               person               to               receive               such               an               honor.
               Gun               rights               -               Endorsed               by               the               NRA               as               an               "A+"               candidate.
               Hate               crimes               -               trying               to               stop               the               "clear               pattern               of               growth"               in               such               crimes.
               Immigration               -               supports               closed               borders
               Legalized               gambling               -               opposes               further               statewide               expansion               of               legalized               gambling
               Environmental               protection               -               strong               advocate               of               a               ban               on               oil               drilling               near               Florida's               coastline.

Supported               $100               million               to               protect               the               Everglades.
               Identity               theft               -               worked               with               the               legislature               to               pass               new               laws               that               dramatically               toughened               the               penalties               for               identity               theft               and               counterfeiting               or               dealing               in               prescription               drugs.
               Civil               rights               -               worked               to               pass               Florida's               landmark               civil               rights               legislation,               the               Marvin               Davies               Civil               Rights               Act               of               2003
               Internet               -               worked               to               target               those               who               distribute               illegal               spam               on               the               Internet.
               Utility               rates               -               worked               to               freeze               utility               rates               and               telecom               deception.
               Emission               controls               -               July               2007,               announced               plans               to               sign               executive               orders               imposing               strict               air               pollution               standards               in               the               state,               with               aims               to               reduce               greenhouse               gas               emissions               by               80%               of               1990               levels               by               the               year               2050.

Wants               state               to               go               green.
               Creation               of               Research               Flagship               Universities               -               signed               into               law               SB-1710,               which               allowed               the               Board               of               Governors               to               allow               Tuition               Differential               only               for               the               University               of               Florida,               Florida               State               University,               and               the               University               of               South               Florida.

Supported               a               $3.8               billion               bill               to               reduce               class               size.
               Insurance               companies               -               has               been               embroiled               in               public               disputes               with               property               insurers               over               homeowners'               insurance               rates.

He               had               expected               insurers               to               lower               their               rates,               with               new               reinsurance               coverage,               available               from               the               Florida               Hurricane               Catastrophe               Fund.

Doubts               exist               in               the               marketplace               whether               the               FHCF               can               really               offer               coverage.

Moody's,               Standard               &               Poor's,               and               A.M.

Best               have               warned               insurers               that,               if               they               accept               too               much               reinsurance               from               FHCF,               they               risk               being               downgraded.

Therefore,               insurers               have               gone               to               the               private               reinsurance               market               and               the               rates               are               significantly               higher.
               So,               what               else               is               there               to               know               about               this               potential               Vice               President               of               the               United               States?
               Governor               Crist               signed               a               petition               for               an               anti-gay               marriage               amendment               and               opposes               repealing               the               law               that               prevents               gay               or               lesbian               couples               from               adopting.

Having               said               that,               the               rumors               that               Charlie               Crist               is               gay,               have               circulated               in               political               circles               for               years.

Don               Jacobsen,               a               Palm               Beach               lawyer,               was               heard               to               say               (at               a               Donald               Trump               fund-raiser),               "Well,               first               Crist               needs               to               admit               that               he's               gay,"               according               to               the               Broward               Palm               BeachNews,               in               the               article               mentioned               above               (10/18/06,               "Charlie               Crist               is               NOT               Gay").

The               man               who               ran               against               Crist               claims               they               discussed               Charlie's               sexuality,               and               he               is               bi-sexual,               but               this               individual               made               these               charges               on               a               radio               show               at               the               time               he               was               running               against               Crist,               creating               a               healthy               dose               of               skepticism               at               the               validity               of               the               charges.
               A               blog               devoted               to               gay               issues               (the               name               of               which               cannot               be               printed               in               a               family               blog)               by               Phil               Lapadula,               reported               the               issue               this               way:               "I'm               not               surprised               that               the               daily               newspapers               aren't               covering               it.

If               someone               comes               forward               and               says               I               worked               with               him               and               he               gave               me               perks               because               I               was               having               an               affair               with               him,               or               he               molested               me,               or               he               abused               me               in               a               relationship,               that's               a               different               story.

But               the               mere               accusation               that               someone               is               gay               is               a               non-story."               Another               individual               (McBride)               pointed               out               that               in               the               cases               of               former               Congressman               Mark               Foley,               former               New               Jersey               Governor               Jim               McGreevey               and               former               Spokane               Mayor               Jim               West,               "It               was               not               the               fact               that               they               were               gay               that               brought               them               down.

It               was               the               fact               that               they               abused               their               power.

If               they               had               done               that               in               a               heterosexual               relationship,               it               would               still               be               a               story."               (Eliot               Spitzer,               anyone?)
               What               can               factually               be               determined               regarding               Crist's               personal               life?

He               was               married               for               7               months               in               1979-80               to               a               woman               named               Amanda               Marrow               They               had               no               children.

Since               their               1980               divorce,               he               has               lived               in               a               rented               one-bedroom               apartment               in               St.

Petersburg,               has               only               a               single               VISA               card               on               which               he               carries               no               balance,               seldom               tips               more               than               20%,               and               remains               a               bachelor.

He               went               from               $0               to               $400,000               in               20               years,               by               letting               Charlie               Crist,               Sr.,               manage               his               money,               which               put               him               ahead               of               roughly               half               of               Florida's               160               lawmakers               and               most               of               his               contemporaries,               according               to               Caryn               Baird               and               Mary               Mellstrom,               who               reported               on               Crist,               along               with               Scott               Barancik,               in               a               July               9,               2006,               article               in               the               St.

Petersburg               Times.
               Other               facts               we               might               note               about               Charlie               Crist,               before               reciting               his               sterling               academic               credentials:               he               owns               no               property               or               corporate               stock.

He               has               zero               debt               and               says               it               "helps               me               sleep               better               at               night."               He               does               not               itemize,               but               uses               the               standard               deduction.

He               donated               $1,000               to               3               charities               in               2006.

His               net               worth               in               2006               was               $422,000.

He               leases               a               yellow               2006               Mustang               V6               convertible               and               also               drives               a               yellow               97               Jaguar               XK8.

He               also               purchased               a               25-foot               fishing               boat,               (one               of               his               few               indulgences).
               Famous               supporters               include               John               Walsh               ("America's               Most               Wanted"),               Donald               Trump,               and               the               Reverend               O'Neal               Dozier,               who               once               called               Islam               a               "cult"               and               "a               dangerous               religion"               and               was               forced               from               the               Broward               Judicial               Nomination               Commission               as               a               result               of               other               anti-Islam               statements.
               Governor               Crist's               web-site               says               that               his               life               "illustrates               the               American               dream,"               and               cites               his               Grandfather               Adam,               who               came               to               America               from               Cyprus,               penniless,               nearly               100               years               ago,               and               worked               shining               shoes.

Grandpa               Crist               owned               a               small               business,               raised               7               children,               and               saw               Charles,               the               Governor's               father,               go               on               to               school               to               become               a               doctor.

Although               Charlie               Crist,               the               Governor,               was               born               in               Altoona,               Pennsylvania,               the               son               of               Charlie               Crist,               Sr.

and               Nancy               Lee               Crist,               the               family               soon               relocated               to               St.

Petersburg,               where               young               Charlie               attended               Riviera               Middle               School.
               Upon               graduating               from               high               school,               where               he               was               the               starting               quarterback               on               the               football               team               and               class               president,               he               played               at               Wake               Forest               University,               but               transferred               to               Florida               State               in               1978,               where               he               was               named               Mr.

Seminole               and               served               as               Vice               President               of               the               Florida               State               University               student               body.

Charlie               then               earned               a               law               degree               from               Cumberland               School               of               Law               in               Birmingham,               Alabama.
               After               working               in               the               State               Attorney's               Office,               he               took               a               position               as               General               Counsel               for               the               minor               league               division               of               the               Baseball               Commissioner's               Office.

He               worked               in               this               position               for               five               years.

In               1986,               Charlie               took               a               run               at               a               popular               incumbent               for               the               1986               state               Senate,               and               lost               by               20-some               points.

He               then               worked               for               Connie               Mack               as               State               Director               in               1988.

By               1992,               he               was               ready.

He               ran               again               and               won               a               position               as               a               state               Senator.
               In               1999,               then-Governor               Jeb               Bush               appointed               Charlie               Deputy               Secretary               of               the               Department               of               Business               and               Professional               Regulation.

Despite               this               tie               to               the               Bush               family,               Crist               did               not               utilize               President               Bush               in               his               last               run               for               office,               a               time               when               the               incumbent               President               had               historically               low               approval               ratings.
               Crist               campaigned               long               and               hard               for               John               McCain               in               the               Florida               primary,               and               it               was               a               big               boost               to               the               Arizona               Senator's               campaign.

He               is               also               the               first               Republican               governor               to               accept               the               state's               NAACP               invitation               to               a               convention,               and               was               referred               to               by               Terry               Fields,               Democratic               Representative               of               Jacksonville,               Florida,               as               the               state's               "first               black               governor,"               a               post               similar               to               Bill               Clinton's               honorary               title               as               the               nation's               "first               black               President."
               Crist               categorizes               himself               as               "a               moderate               Populist               conservative."               His               strong               support               of               the               2nd               amendment               ("A               well-regulated               Militia               being               necessary               to               the               security               of               a               free               state,               the               right               of               the               people               to               keep               and               bear               arms               shall               not               be               infringed."               1791)               may               put               him               at               odds               with               the               57%               of               citizens               who               feel               that               major               restrictions               or               outright               bans               on               guns               are               necessary,               or               the               91%               who               fell               that               at               least               minor               restrictions               on               gun               ownership               are               mandated.

Eighty-one               percent               of               those               polled               (blog               fact,               Phil               Lapadula,               Friday,               Oct.

27,               2006),               said               it               was               "an               important               issue;"               40%               of               Americans               own               guns.
               Ever               since               seeing               the               photogenic               Governor               on               Florida               television               ads,               while               in               Florida               in               January,               I               have               said               that               I               think               he               could               well               be               the               Vice               Presidential               nominee,               (if               McCain               secured               the               Republican               nomination.)               Crist               has               been               a               tireless               advocate               for               citizens,               never               forgetting               his               humble               roots,               and               has               devoted               himself               to               the               citizens               of               Florida,               from               all               accounts.

Lower               taxes,               less               government,               more               freedom               are               hallmarks               of               Crist's               stands,               and               coincide               nicely               with               McCain's.
               On               all               the               issues               above,               McCain               and               Crist               seem               to               fit               together               logically.

The               open               animosity               that               could               be               seen               and               felt               between               McCain               and               former               opponent               Mitt               Romney               were               totally               absent               during               the               McCain/Crist               Florida               campaigning.

Certainly               Crist's               positions               on               the               important               issues               of               the               day               seem               more               in               line               with               science               and               the               21st               Century               than               those               of               one               other               candidate               who               doesn't               believe               in               evolution               and               seems               to               blur               the               line               between               church               and               state               quite               frequently.
               McCain/Crist               seem               to               be               quite               similar               in               their               views.

I,               for               one,               think               Charlie               Crist's               selection               as               the               Vice               Presidential               nominee               by               Senator               John               McCain               is               a               very               realistic               possibility.

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